lunes, 23 de diciembre de 2013

Selectividad Exams

Selectividad Exams

He colgado 12 exámenes tipo selectividad. Debéis hacer 3 textos y 3 productions , preferentemente de los exámenes que hayáis elegido.

¿Para cuándo?  7 de enero de 2014

TOPICS for Compositions

Hello Lourdes,

Here are some of the topics you can write about. Remember to have a look at the hints(pistas) in your book:

- A description of your neighbourhood or town. (p. 8 WBook)
- A description of a place that you have visited.(p. 15 Student's book)

- An exciting or disappointing football match or other sports event, concert or party. (18 WB)
- Write a story about a frightening or exciting experience that you have had or have heard of or read about.(p.27 SB) 

- An e-mail to a friend about what you'll be learning and doing in a class you have this year, or want to do next year. The class can be at school, a community centre, a gym, etc. 
- You are planning to buy something you have saved money for. Write an e-mail and tell your friend about it. (p.39 SB)

You can also do one Exam Practice from pages 114,115 or 116 and one of the topics given.

About 100-150 words

P.S. It's not necessary that you do everything. Just do 3 or 4. of them and most of all spend time READING in English

jueves, 12 de diciembre de 2013

Gerund and Infinitive

Here you can see the rules of use of Gerund and Infinitive and practise doing the exercises


Este poema se llama  A poison tree by William Blake.Pincha en el enlace para escucharlo.
El lunes a la hora del recreo te espero para escucharte recitarlo.